Chandrayaan-3: The Sleeping Giants on the Lunar Horizon

Chandrayaan-3, the ambitious lunar mission, currently rests in a perpetual slumber on the Moon’s surface. Having touched down on August 23 and performed a series of groundbreaking experiments and rover deployments, the spacecraft has been transitioned into a state of eternal rest. This article delves into the mission’s current status and the challenges that loom over Vikram and Pragyan as they remain dormant on the lunar landscape.

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Challenges Ahead: What Threats Lurk for Vikram?

The lander, Vikram, and its trusty companion, the rover Pragyan, have been powered down, marking the beginning of a new chapter fraught with potential challenges. One significant threat they face is the relentless bombardment of micrometeoroids on the Moon’s surface.

Isro officials, speaking anonymously, have pointed out the ever-present danger of micrometeoroid impacts, a peril faced by previous lunar missions, including the Apollo spacecraft. Dr. P. Sreekumar, a leading expert, clarifies that the Moon’s lack of atmosphere and oxygen rules out corrosion risks. However, the impact of micrometeoroids and solar radiation, due to the Moon’s lack of atmosphere, remains an unknown factor. Lunar dust, capable of adhering to surfaces due to the absence of air, might also encase the lander and rover.

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Uncharted Territories: The Lunar Dust Challenge

Dr. P. Sreekumar highlights the lunar dust challenge, referencing past Apollo missions where lunar dust settled on equipment. Unlike Earth’s dust, lunar dust can cling to surfaces without air. While some data exists about this phenomenon, the full extent of its impact remains uncertain.

Despite these challenges, Isro scientists express contentment as Chandrayaan-3 achieved its designated objectives during its 14-day mission before transitioning into its dormant state.

Chandrayaan-3’s Lunar Exploits

The primary mission goal was to explore the lunar south polar region, an area brimming with water ice, a potential source of oxygen, fuel, and water. The rover, Pragyan, equipped with advanced instruments, conducted chemical analyses and confirmed the presence of sulfur on the lunar surface near the South Pole, a significant discovery.

The Vikram lander performed a hop experiment, demonstrating its ability to lift off from the surface and land nearby, a skill crucial for future missions. The data collected by Chandrayaan-3 has expanded our comprehension of the Moon and paved the way for forthcoming lunar and interplanetary explorations.


Chandrayaan-3’s journey, although marked by challenges, has left an indelible mark on lunar exploration. As Vikram and Pragyan slumber on the Moon’s surface, their legacy lives on, inspiring future missions and broadening our understanding of Earth’s enigmatic celestial neighbor.

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