Chandrayaan-3: The Sleeping Giants on the Lunar Horizon


Chandrayaan-3, the ambitious lunar mission, currently rests in a perpetual slumber on the Moon’s surface. Having touched down on August 23 and performed a series of groundbreaking experiments and rover deployments, the spacecraft has been transitioned into a state of eternal rest. This article delves into the mission’s current status and the challenges that loom … Read more

India’s Agnikul Cosmos: Pioneering 3D-Printed Rocket Engines


In the wake of India’s space sector (Agnikul) reaching new heights with the remarkable success of Chandrayaan-3 and a slew of upcoming missions, a burgeoning ecosystem of space technology startups is emerging. Notably, India is home to an astounding 190 registered space-tech startups, according to a collaborative report by Deloitte, the Indian Space Association, and … Read more